Our Montessori elementary program integrates a multi-faceted curriculum that includes the subjects of biology, botany, geography, geology, music, art, math, language, and geometry. All of these areas are framed by Montessori’s theme of cosmic education presented through what are termed the five great lessons. Dynamic presentations of these stories spark the elementary child’s imagination and stimulate further research.

The elementary program also recognizes and supports the particular social needs of children at this developmental stage. Through collaborative problem solving, children develop the qualities necessary for leadership including empathy, respect for differences, responsibility, self-confidence, and satisfaction based on internal rather than external rewards. During an extended work block, students have the opportunity to move freely in the classroom and learn to make appropriate choices within a supported structure.


Elementary students attend class five days per week, Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Aftercare is available five days a week.
